全新大学进阶英语Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams.ppt

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全新大学进阶英语Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams.ppt

2024-01-30 23:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、,The Pursuit of Dreams,1,Unit Goals,Contents,Part One Opener,Pair Work,Part Two Reading & Interacting,Getting Prepared,Text Study,Focusing on Language in Context,Part Three Integrated Skills Practicing,Viewing & Listening,Speaking,Writing,Pair work: Look at the two photos below. Then work with your

2、partner and answer the questions that follow. You may want to search online for information by using your cell phone to scan the QR codes (二维码).,Qian Xuesen: a Chinese scientist, father of Chinas space programs,Steve Jobs: an American businessman, co-founder of Apple Inc.,1. Can you say a few words

3、about the two people in the pictures? 2. What dream did each of them have and work hard to achieve? 3. What difficulties did they come across when pursuing their dreams?,实现梦想 achieve/realize ones dream; make ones dream come true 技术 technology 留学 go to study abroad 创办公司 start/found/set up a company 以

4、而闻名 be famous for 致力于 devote oneself to,Helpful Words & Expressions,Watch the video clip and discuss the following questions with your classmates.,1. What difficult situation has Robbie Wilde met? 2. How much do you know about him? 3. Is it possible for you to become a DJ if you were in the same con

5、dition?,DJ (disc jockey or deejay),DJ is a person who mixes recorded music for an audience. There are a variety of DJs, depending on where they work (e.g. radio, club and mobile DJs) or what types of musical performance techniques they use (e.g. electronica, reggae and hip-hop DJs). 通常指在娱乐场所播放、调试音乐产

6、生强劲效果引导大家热辣跳舞的人,也可以是在酒吧主持与音乐有关的节目(或广播)的主持人,俗称唱片骑士或打碟师。,Notes,Warm-up Video,Turntable,A turntable is a circular revolving plate supporting a record as it is played. By adjusting the speed of the turntable, either by adjusting the speed knob, or by manipulating the plate (e.g. by slowing down the plat

7、e by putting,a finger gently along the side), DJs can match the tempos of different records so their rhythms can be played together at the same time without clashing or make a smooth, seamless transition from one song to another.,唱机转盘是一个支撑唱片的圆形旋转盘,可以通过速度旋钮或操纵板调节转盘的速度(例如,将手指轻轻地放在唱片的一侧能够放缓唱片的速度)。DJ可以搭

8、配不同唱片的节奏,或从一首歌曲无缝地过渡到另一首歌曲。,DJ mixer,A mixer is a device for merging input signals to produce a combined output in the form of sounds or pictures. Most DJ mixers have far fewer channels than a mixer used by a record producer or audio engineer.混音器是用于合并输 入信号以产生声音或图像 形式的组合输出的装置。 大多数DJ混音器的频道远 远少于录音制作人或音

9、频 工程师使用的混音器。,DJ software,Unlike most music player software designed for regular consumers, DJ software can play at least two audio files simultaneously, display the waveforms of the files on screen and enable the DJ to listen to either source. The waveforms allow the DJ to see what is coming next in

10、 the music and how the playback of different files is aligned.,与大多数针对普通消费者的音乐播放软件不同,DJ软件可以同时播放至少两个音频文件,并在屏幕上显示,文件的波形,DJ能够聆听任何一个音源,能够通过软件上的波形看到接下来的音乐是什么,以及不同乐曲的节奏如何搭配。,TEXT A deaf disc jockey? Sounds impossible? Not if you are Robbie Wilde, who was determined to pursue his dream of driving dancers to

11、 their feet despite his hearing loss.,Deaf DJ,By Robbie Wilde as told to Kenneth Miller,1 I was born in England with perfect hearing. In 1990, when I was five, my family moved to the United States. I started getting ear infections every three months or so. We didnt have health insurance at the time

12、and when I got a third infection, my parents couldnt pay for the treatment. I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 50 percent hearing in my left. Over time, my remaining hearing dropped to 20 percent, where it is today. My doctors predicted that I would be completely deaf by now, so I think I

13、m doing pretty well. 2 There was always music on in my house when I was little. I loved listening to Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson. My dad was a DJ, so he played disco, folk, dance, rock, and music from other countries. For my 18th birthday, my dad asked me to deejay at the re

14、staurant he owned. After doing that for a few weeks, I was hooked. I wanted to learn more.,3 I e-mailed DJ Shiftee, a well-known New York City DJ, when I was 25: “I know you like a challenge. How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?” He wrote back the next day: “Challenge accepted.” He tutored me

15、 twice a week for two years, helping me develop correct technique. I practiced four hours a day. Now when Im performing, muscle memory takes over. 4 When I started deejaying at clubs, I wouldnt tell the managers I was deaf. I would just show up, introduce myself, and start playing music. At the end

16、of the night, someone would say, “Oh, heres the check.” And Id say, “What? Oh, I cant hear.” They were always so surprised. Sometimes I would bring doctors notes because they wouldnt believe me. It was reassurance that they were giving me jobs because I was good, not out of sympathy. Eventually peop

17、le started calling me “that Deaf DJ,” and the name stuck.,5 For a show, I set up one speaker facing my left side, my good ear, and make it louder all the way up. The speakers that play the bass are on the floor behind me so I can hear some of the lower frequencies and feel the beat in my feet. And I

18、 can feel the energy of the song and the crowd goes crazy, you feel that. The song comes to life. 6 I use software that turns the music into lines of color on a computer screen. Red is the bass, blue is snare, green is the vocals or melody. Im visually hearing the music. What I love about deejaying

19、is the creativity, what you can do with a machine, two turntables, and a mixer. 7 The next time you go dancing cover your ears, and youll feel a little bit of how I do it. Youll start using your other senses. Youll start seeing that youre able to hear the music in a different way. Music is not all a

20、bout hearing.,8 I play all sorts of get-togethers now, from college parties to corporate events. I also go to elementary schools for the deaf and talk to the students about motivation and believing in themselves. Im big on talking to the parents. I tell them, “My advice to you is to let your kids ch

21、ase their dreams. Im a deaf DJ, so why not?”,Pair work: This text is organized in order of time to tell the writers own life story about the development of his deafness and skills as a DJ. Find out major events/activities in the writers life according to time indicators, such as expressions of time

22、and tense. Compare notes with your partner.,1. Text Organization,The Development of the Writers Skills as a DJ,Pair work: With the teacher as guide, you and your partner work on the following comprehension check exercises.,2.1 Focusing on (关注) the main ideas Complete the following paragraph with key

23、 information from the text.,Robbie Wilde has been enjoying his life as a(n) DJ . He was born with perfect hearing , but is now completely deaf in his right ear and can hardly hear in his left. He grew up in a(n) musical home environment and started deejaying at age 18 . With a strong desire to perfe

24、ct his skills, he asked a well-known DJ for tutoring . He has been working hard and does not want his skills recognized simply because people have sympathy for his disability. In this way, he sets a good example for other young people in chasing their dreams .,2. Comprehension Check,2.2 Digging into

25、 detail Answer the following questions to better understand the text. You may want to write down some key words in the space provided before you do so.,(Para. 1) 1 How did Robbie become deaf?,(Para. 4) 2 How did people in the clubs feel when Robbie told them he was hard of hearing?,They were always

26、surprised.,He was born with perfect hearing in both ears, but severe ear infections that started when he was five left him deaf in his right ear and 50% deaf in his left. Over time, his remaining hearing dropped to 20 percent.,(Para. 5) 3 What does he do to help himself hear the music when he deejay

27、s for a show?,He places one speaker facing his good left ear, and makes it louder all the way up. The speakers that play the bass are put on the floor behind him, so he can hear some of the lower frequencies and feels the beat in his feet.,(Para. 6) 4 What does the word “visually” most probably mean

28、, judging from the context?,It most probably means “with the eyes”.,(Para. 6) 5 What does he love about deejaying?,He loves its creativity, and what he can do with a machine, two turntables, and a mixer.,This text is a first-person narrative based on an interview or a conversation with Robbie Wilde.

29、 A written text though it is, it demonstrates some stylistic characteristics we can find in conversational English.First, look at the informal words and expressions throughout the text that make the reader feel comfortable because of familiarity: or so (para. 1), hooked (para. 2), stuck (para. 4), a

30、ll the way (para. 5), a little bit (para. 7), big on (para. 8), and so on. In the case of direct quotations, which are used by the narrator to add realism and liveliness, they naturally contain informal usages and ellipses, such as How about ? (para. 3), Challenged accepted. (para. 3), What? (para.

31、4), and why not? (para. 8).,Second, most sentences are not particularly long and also do not have complex structures. In the cases where sentences are connected through transitional words, simple coordinating conjunctions such as and, so and because are used.Third, the narration of events or activit

32、ies relies on simple verbs, verbal phrases or noun clauses instead of strong and complex verbs or nouns. Examples of such verbs, verbal phrases and noun clauses include, among many others, have, go, do, tell, talk, ask, feel, bring, play; take over, show up, set up, come to life; where it is, what y

33、ou can do, how I do it, what I like about ,Fourth, words that refer to the person(s) or thing(s) in the immediate context are frequently used to achieve the effect of getting the reader more involved. Two types of such words can be found in this text: (1) first-person and second-person pronouns (i.e

34、. I, me, my, we, you, your), (2) words such as today, now, that (After doing that; you feel that).Finally, contractions are common in this written text, thus retaining the informal style and rhythm of speech from the original interview or conversation. Just run a quick scan of the text, and youll be

35、 able to locate these contractions: didnt, couldnt, Im, heres, cant, wouldnt, and youll.,1. In China, what has the society offered to people with disabilities? In what aspects do you think it should improve? Can you give us some specific instances?,2. Nowadays, more and more people, especially young

36、 ones, pursue their dreams despite of the limits of reality. Some of them quit jobs to travel around the world; some of them try every means to be a singer. They may get both praise and blame:“They are so brave to be what they want to be in spite of all the difficulties; their lives are worth living

37、.”“They are so selfish; they just refuse to think about their limits, their livelihood, the social reality, and the feeling of their family.”,What do you think about this issue? You can take some examples to support your ideas.,1. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the box below. Change t

38、he form where necessary.,1 2 3,Good teachers should encourage students to use their creativity to express themselves and make them feel proud of what they can achieve. Ive made new friends and am doing well at college. I think Im enjoying being a college student. People with disabilities want to be

39、treated like everyone else and given equal opportunities. They do not want sympathy .,4 5 6 7 8,Life is full of challenges . We should be strong enough to face up to them. A great pianist does not succeed overnight. His skills are developed over time . It is reported that millions of people in the U

40、S are not covered by health insurance . The party really came to life once again when the huge birthday cake was served. The train must be running late; we should have got to Beijing by now .,How determined one is to achieve ones dream is clearly a sign that can be used to predict success. Setting a

41、 goal and going all the way to achieve it can be a great test of ones will and perseverance. The doctor tried to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body. I was told that my computer wasnt powerful enough to run that software . Corporate executives usually have high salaries.,9 10

42、11 12 13,The art exhibition is great; its a pity you dont have time to go there but you can see it on your computer screen . The researchers are concerned about the increasing frequency of the illness in the village.,14 15,2. Replace the underlined part in each of the following sentences with a word

43、 or phrase from the box below. Write your answer in the brackets. Make changes or additions where necessary.,1 2 3,Im a tech fan and really like Apple products for their cool designs. ( big on ) Instead of going to school, this disabled man taught himself through to college level. ( all the way ) If

44、 you ask me what is my reason for becoming a teacher, I think Ive always dreamed of becoming one because teaching is a creative job. ( motivation ),4 5 67,I personally dont believe that theres a way of telling in advance how successful a little kid will become twenty years from now. ( predicting ) I

45、 made up my mind to study computer science, and became extremely interested. ( hooked ) He will not easily give up and will continue his long search for happiness. ( pursuit of ) The questions were so simple that he easily passed the test. ( elementary ),8 9,My father taught me to play traditional m

46、usic on the flute when I was ten. ( folk ) Since the debate (辩论), it seems that Dr. Smiths point of view has become dominant. ( taken over ),3. Complete each of the following sentences after the model with the word or phrase in brackets. Make changes or additions where necessary.,Ive chosen to come

47、all the way to attend college in Shanghai because I want to accept the challenge of living on my own. (challenge),1 2,We waited for Phil for two hours, but he didnt show up . We had to cancel the appointment. (show up) Nowadays the price of hiring a tutor is very high. So many parents choose to tuto

48、r their kids/children themselves . (tutor),Model:,3 45,Be positive about your life and see amazing things you have achieved. In other words, believe in yourself ! (believe in) When were young, we take risks and may fail. However, we should keep chasing our dreams and never give up. (chase) Ill find

49、a job and become a skilled worker after graduating from college. I have no motivation for going to graduate school. (motivation),Conversion English words are usually formed in four ways:, affixation (词缀法) including prefixation (前缀法), such as impossible, rewrite, and suffixation (后缀法), such as useful, visually, pursuer, motivation; compounding (合成法), such as software, well-known, 3-year-old; abbreviation (缩略法), such as DJ, USA; conversion (词性转换法).,




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